Gastronomic gift ideas to give at weddings

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For everyone who has ever been in the position of organizing a wedding, they will know that he is one of the greatest organizational challenges that we can face throughout our life. Starting with the advance with which you have to plan everything, to continue with countless things that are overlooked, but that you have to think about. To solve one of the fundamental pieces such as the detail to give to the guests, from La latilla we offer you our hand with a list of gastronomic gift ideas to give at weddings.

The history of wedding details for guests

First of all, we must remember that a long time ago it stopped being the cigar, the official gift protagonist of the links and events, and now It seeks to surprise, innovate, remember and leave a nice detail in the home of each guest that makes them remember the moment of the wedding.

All these news With which he has been experimenting in terms of wedding details, they have opened an infinite range of possibilities. This has resulted in unnecessary or useless gifts being given away, that will not be used by the guests.

Gastronomic gifts to give at weddings and get it right for sure

The main advantage offered by a gift consisting of food, it is that we know that yes or yes that gift is going to be able to be used, rather, consumed. Keep in mind that perishable foods cannot be given as a detail or that have a preferred consumption date, as we do not know when the guest may decide to put it on the table. Nor is it necessary that they be food as such, since Liquors, wines, spices or oils can also be given as gifts.

gastronomic gift ideas to give at weddings

So that don't have to think we give you some ideas with name and surname, and quality certificate like all the products we have in La Latilla.

Fish and seafood as protagonists

You just have to take a walk around the fish section and seafood from our online store, to decide which one will be the protagonist of the detail for your guests. I know they can combine different preserves with each other, adding a bottle of our carefully selected vegetables, and you will give your guests the opportunity to have a small gourmet selection of the best Galician products on your table.

Gourmet wines from the best wineries

In the wine selection whatand we do in La Latilla, we have the best of each winery to have a podium of winning wines from our land, but to make a complete gift the ideal would be a red and a white. That it could be Mauro and Tres Olmos, from different wineries, or red and white from Mocen, under the same signature. Wine lovers will be delighted with this type of detail and you will be creating a small wine tourism route as a souvenir of your wedding.

Selection of assorted cheeses

Who can resist a good wedge of cheese. Cheese is a product adored in our country, and with a selection of the best cheeses in our area, you will have a detail that will also highlight the good gastronomy that we have in our community.

We recommend adding some other element, if you want the gift to be complete and for all tastes.

EVOO basket

Here There's not much to think about it, as you will find on our website these ready-made gifts. With its detail format in a prepared basket, or in a box specially created as packaging for the products, you can surprise the guests with this gourmet gift at your wedding. You can also add a balsamic vinegar to expand the variety and complete the detail.  

Any gourmet product alone or accompanied will be a good option.

With this tour that we have done throughout our pantry, we see that lGourmet products are always a good option for any occasion, as they can be enjoyed at any time, with all the flavor of the quality we offer.

Do not doubt that with these details, you'll have a scrumptious wedding.

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